what we do..

In studio sessions

Private, one on one counselling sessions in our exclusive studio in the Illawarra, NSW.

Zoom sessions

Online sessions are available in the comfort of your own home. What a great way to work alongside a professional counsellor in your trackies!

Services Provided

Self Care

I believe you are worthy of great care and no one knows your body and is more qualified to care for it than you are. I want to help you strengthen your mind/body connection and to be free of diets, food rules, body shaming and the hamster wheel you keep going on and coming off.

It is now more important than ever to find what works best for you. Please take charge and take care of yourself. You matter. You are important. You are loved. You are enough. 

We want to help each and every one of my clients break free from the issues that are keeping them from living their best life.



You will learn how important nutrients and superfoods really are when it comes to nutrition.

At Self Care Studio we believe that a ‘one size fits all approach’ when it comes nutrition is NOT the way to go. Our bio-individuality is really what makes us unique. At different ages and different stages throughout our life we need to fuel our body with what it needs and this can change over time.

We all respond to different things at different times in different ways. We will chat about the powerful benefits of superfoods and learn what is an actual superfood, not what is just marketed to us in the media.


Are you:
– feeling stressed
– feeling anxious and/or depressed
– experiencing headaches
– having digestive issues
– having trouble sleeping
– feeling burnt out
– suffering from memory loss
– feeling your mind won’t stop racing
– wanting to feel rested and rejuvenated

If you have been to counselling before or this will be your first time, you are very welcome in this friendly, safe, caring environment at Self Care Studio, dedicated to teens and women. 


Put taking care of yourself as a priority

Treatment Specialties

Body Image

- Liking yourself - Loving yourself - Knowing you are enough - Knowing you are worthy For most of us we look to others to fulfill these needs, even when most of the time we don't even realise we are doing it. Especially if growing up you saw this with the people around you. These are hard wired into us for a reason. We need connection to survive. Our body image, how we feel and look after ourselves, the self talk chatter in our heads and how we treat ourselves can all be connected to these too. We are creating life stories of 'fitting in' rather than being unique and authentic to ourselves. When I work alongside my clients we start with these four basic needs. You can follow any diet or training programme under the sun but if you don’t have these basic needs met you will always be chasing them.

Self Love

Get to know yourself. Take better care of yourself. Learn how to care for yourself in a happy and healthy way while having us for support.


Stress & Overthinking can manifest in a number of ways. You may experience a combination of these symptoms…. – Constantly replaying the same thoughts or scenarios in your mind – Being unable to make decisions due to overanalysing potential outcomes – Doubting choices and revisiting decisions even after they have been made – Worrying about the future – Dwelling on past actions and feeling guilty or regretful about choices made – Setting unrealistically high standards and being overly concerned with making everything perfect

Relationship with Food

For many of us dieting has been a way to cope with life - to fill up time, fill the empty hole we have inside us or as a symbol to control your life. At times dieting can feel like it’s offering hope and excitement especially with quick weight loss and watching the scales go down in the hope that 'this diet will be it'. Diets often coincide with difficult times or transitions in your life - leaving home, getting married, starting a new job or experiencing problems in your relationship. We think that by dieting we will revolutionise the way we look and feel about ourselves and we also feel it may even change our life. We think by dieting it will make us happier and we will worry about everything else later.

Anxiety & Depression

Research indicates that omega-3s act as antidepressants and support with anxiety by among other things reducing the severity of neurotransmission abnormalities, membrane viscosity/stickiness, regulating the release of substances that assist with carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism and have anti-inflammatory activity. Nutritional deficiencies can be one of the main reasons causing anxiety.

Toxic Relationships

My mission is to empower individuals navigating toxic relationships. Together, we will break the cycle by unraveling the intricate patterns and recognising red flags that may have kept you trapped. Through a supportive and understanding approach, I am committed to guiding you on a path of self-discovery, helping you understand the dynamics of toxic relationships, and providing the tools to foster positive change.

Weight Loss

When you don't feel comfortable in your own skin, it can affect your life. You don't want to do things, you restrict food and really dislike your body and the negative chatter in your head gets louder and louder. Let me help you break the patterns and weight loss cycle you have been on for so long. Breaking endless promises to yourself that this time it is going to be different. Self Care Studio was created because of my purpose, passion and genuine care I have within to help other women feel comfortable in their own skin. To give them the tools they need to be in control of their health and choose what best suits them and have the unconditional love and support needed during this process.

Grief & Loss

It is important that we allow ourselves time to grieve following loss so that we can move forward. Common experiences when grieving: • not feeling yourself • changes in sleeping and eating patterns • physical pain • difficulty concentrating and remembering things • preoccupation with the deceased or the circumstances of their death • apathy or lack of enjoyment in normal activities • withdrawal from others • conflict in personal relationships • thoughts of suicide or self-harm • reliance on negative coping strategies including alcohol and drugs.

Frequently Asked questions

Each session is tailored to you and your unique needs. The first session we really get to know you and from there build a strategy so you can achieve your self care, health, fitness, weight or lifestyle goals.

50-60 Minutes.
The first session may run longer – up to 75 minutes.

You can book and pay for a session through my online booking system. You can also contact me via the contact form or email me directly hello@barbarathompson.com.au.

This website is not suitable as a tool for immediate crisis support. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, call triple zero (000). You can also call  Lifeline  on 13 11 14 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you require ongoing sessions with us please do not hesitate to book an appointment in due course.

1-1 counselling session with Barbara
$150 per session (60 mins)

1-1 nutrition session with Barbara
$150 first session 
$105 follow up sessions 

On the completion of your first session we will be able to advise you what the next steps are to ensure you achieve your desired goals. Our clients usually book between 3 to 10 sessions.

My private studio is located in the Illawarra region of NSW Australia

YES! I also work with women around the globe via Zoom.

Payments can be made via bank transfer or from the booking form online with credit card or eftpos.

Financial hardship should not stop you from receiving yer help you need. If you would like to discuss a payment plan option, please get in touch with me to discuss this option.

We understand that life can get busy and things happen. If this is the case please cancel with a phone call or text at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. We will always send a reminder text message 24 to 48 hours before your appointment. If you cancel and we have not received at least 48 hours notice a cancellation fee will be charged. The fee will be the cost of your session for that day.

Your session time is reserved and planned especially for you. Please let me know at least 48 hours prior to your appointment if you need to cancel. If you do not show to your appointment, a no show fee will be charged. The fee will be the cost of your session for that day.

*At times I can have a waiting list for popular days and times. Giving me notice allows me to make time slots available to other clients.



If you are having one of those days and are running late, please call or text (when it is safe to do so) as soon as possible. If you happen to be running more than 10-15 minutes late, we may not be able to accommodate your full session for that day. In this case we will offer you a shorter session to make sure we are not running late for other clients who have booked in for a specific time.